Tuna Sauce with Cherry Tomatoes(Red Tuna Sauce)
Italy 130 g

Qty : 2 $ 67.00
平均一件 $ 33.50

詳細介紹 Description

金島牌(L’isola Doro)是生產罐裝及醃製魚類、海鮮的專家,整個生產及包裝過程均於意大利廠房進行,確保能有效地監控產品的質素。

"金島牌" 車厘蕃茄吞拿魚醬使用新鮮車厘茄及橄欖油製造,蕃茄味特別濃郁。

L’isola Doro is an expert in the production of canned and marinated fish and seafood. The entire production and packaging process is carried out in the Italian factory to ensure that the quality of the products can be effectively monitored.

" L’isola Doro " Tuna Sauce with Cherry Tomatos is made with fresh cherry tomato and olive oil. The tomato flavor is particularly strong.

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